Here is a bunch of naturistic photo’s I’ve taken over the past couple of years. I’m not going to delve into any details for most photo’s, except a few I feel worthy of a description. They are in absolutely no specific order. Please click on the image to view a much nicer resolution; most of them are 1920×1200, 3 of them are 2880×900 (dual screen wallpaper size), and 1 of them is 1280×720. I hope you enjoy at least a few of them.
Oops, I don’t know how this got here…
This one doesn’t really fit with the rest, and it’s pretty blurry… I have no excuses for why it’s here.
This picture is better if you think about how stupid I looked while I was trying to take it.
You may ask, “Neil, why two duck photos?”…’Cause DUCKS ARE AWESOME. Also because I couldn’t decide which one was better.
This is rubble from Frank’s Slide in the Crowsnest Pass, Alberta. Wow, this is actually a very boring picture. I guess it’s more interesting if you think about the entire town that is buried under there. When I first heard that, all I could think about was how much money must still be in the bank. As far as I know, it received the name Frank’s Slide because an infant boy was found atop the rock after the mountain-side had fallen. He was given the name Frank.
Cue inspirational music…
This was taken with a very cheap 2MP compact camera 3 or so years ago. Most of the pictures taken with this camera compare to the average cellphone shot.
I walked outside and seen Shadow in this tree-bushy thing. I thought, ‘that might make a cool picture’. I ran and grabbed my camera, but when I came back, she was already off and about doing something else. That didn’t stop me from getting her back in there.
These three wide photos were taken at Popson Park in Lethbridge, which received it’s name from my great grandparents who owned the land at one time.
I took these pictures with my Sony DSC-N2 compact camera. One day I will buy a DSLR… one day.
Your photos are Wiiiicked Popson!!!!
I too want a DSLR one day maybe that day will come soon…like some time this summer….
but neways id say i prefer the 2nd duck:)
idk jus looks nicer to me.
Sweet, really glad you like them. I think I like the second duck too, wait no, it’s still too hard to decide.
2nd duck and AHAH at getting shadow back into the picture.
Amazing to see Popsons park! I remember the days of swimming in the old man and catching grasshoppers to fish with uncle mike and grandma popson. its so good to see it turn into and stay a NATURE SITE.