PSP Go! Announced

Leaked photos and specs of the PSP Go (not to be mistaken as a PSP 2) have emerged, but all I see is disappoinment.
Specs: press-sony-psp-go-1

  • 16GB Flash interal storage
  • Bluetooth for tethering and headsets
  • Memory Stick Micro slot
  • Playstation Network Full Integration
  • 3.8 inch display
  • 43 percent lighter than the PSP-3000
  • No UMD drive

Personal opinion here: Aesthetically this looks “cheap” and internally it’s very similar to the PSP-1000, PSP-2000 and PSP-3000. What they added was 16GB of internal memory and a bluetooth channel. What they dropped was a UMD drive and Memory Stick Pro Duo slot (which previous PSP’s / Sony Camera’s use). The PSP was launched in Japan in December of 2004, the hardware is outdated.

Not all is bad though, this definitely has potential. I could see this online-only approach picking up a lot of independant developers, similar to Apple’s App Store. Funny thing is, the PSP I have from launch day (March 2005) can access this same PlayStation Network, and I can get a 16GB Memory Stick Pro Duo card for $100. In a way, it’s kudos to Sony for supporting their hardware so long, but at the same time I am ready to get a new portable gaming machine, and the PSP Go! is not it.

Anyway, check out the official pictures from Sony in all their high-res glory after the break.

Source: Engadget







